Friday, May 8, 2015

APF Program Recognized During National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day Event

In celebration of National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day, APA and the American Psychiatric Foundation (APF) joined with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in Washington, D.C., yesterday to honor those dedicated to improving the mental health of children.

The event recognized the work of the APF’s Typical or Troubled? program—which has trained more than 70,000 teachers and school administrators, as well as more than 10,000 parents, to recognize signs of mental illness in children and adolescents.

“Through years of research, we know that early recognition, intervention, and treatment of a mental disorder can make a positive difference for a child growing up in challenging and traumatic circumstances,” said APA President Paul Summergrad, M.D. “That’s why increasing awareness of the signs of mental illness is so critical—whether it is through a targeted program such as 'Typical or Troubled?' or awareness events like National Children’s Mental Health Day.”

Grammy-nominated singer and songwriter Mary Lambert (left) was presented as the honorary chairperson of this year’s celebration by the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell (right). Lambert has been outspoken about her own challenges living with bipolar disorder, which was highlighted in her song "Secrets."

“We are really trying to help people understand that mental health conditions are just like any other condition—they need to be prevented or identified and addressed so that people can recover from them while receiving needed support,” SAMHSA Administrator Pamela Hyde, J.D., told Psychiatric News. “Today’s program emphasized that SAMHSA, as well as our partners who were recognized, have resources that the public can use to truly address mental health issues in children and their families.”

To read more about the "Typical or Troubled?" program, see the Psychiatric News article "Miami-Dade Schools Adopt Foundation’s ‘Typical or Troubled?’ Program."

(Image: Vabren Watts/PN)