Monday, July 18, 2011

Stressors, Genes, and Mental Illnesses All Contribute to Suicidal Behavior

Carlos E. Santa Maria/Shutterstock
Suicides increased in nine European countries after the start of the global economic crisis, a study reported in the July 9 The Lancet indicated. This researchers suggested that the crisis was a major causative factor in the suicides.

But it often takes not just a stressor, such as an economic crisis, but also mental illness to trigger suicidal behavior, scientists have found. Indeed, it looks as if a large percentage of suicide attempts--60 percent--can be attributed to four mental disorders--major depression, borderline personality disorder, nicotine dependence, and postraumatic stress disorder, researchers recently reported. For more information on this study, see Psychiatric News at And researchers are finding more and more evidence that genes contribute to suicidal behavior as well. For more information on this topic, see Psychiatric News at