Monday, September 26, 2011

APA Examines Possible Health Care Targets in Deficit Reduction

Last week President Obama formally transmitted his jobs proposal to Congress. The president proposed to cover the $450 billion price tag by including it in a $3 trillion deficit reduction package. The proposal was pronounced “DOA” by Republicans and Democrats alike. That’s probably the case for the overall package, but some elements will undoubtedly be in play as the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, or the “supercommittee,” moves toward its November 23 deadline. In the latest "Medicare Update" on APA’s Web site, Nicholas Meyers, director of APA’s Department of Government Relations, discusses health-related cuts that the supercommittee is considering among its options and their impact.  If you have any questions, contact your DGR staff at

(Image: Dim Dimich/