Thursday, October 27, 2011

FDA Says Chantix Poses No Greater Risk

The FDA has reviewed the results from two studies it sponsored evaluating the risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events associated with the smoking cessation drug Chantix (varenicline). The review comes after reports of such cases as that of Sean and Natalie Wain of Economy, Pa. Neither study found a difference in risk of neuropsychiatric hospitalization between Chantix and nicotine replacement therapy (e.g., Nicoderm patches). Although these two studies did not suggest an increased risk of neuropsychiatric events that result in hospitalization, the FDA did not rule out an increased risk of other neuropsychiatric events with Chantix. The FDA is continuing to evaluate the risk of such events with Chantix, and the drug manufacturer is conducting a large safety clinical trial of Chantix, with results expected in 2017.

Read about other recent studies in Psychiatric News that point to a use for Chantix in the treatment of schizophrenia.  

(Image: ra2 studio/