Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Military Must Do More to Curb Suicides

“America is losing its battle against suicide by veterans and service members,” write Dr. Margaret C. Harrell and Nancy Berglass in a report from the Center for a New American Security, a Washington think tank. “And, as more troops return from deployment, the risk will only grow.” While the authors credit military officials for taking steps to reduce suicide, they also note a number of obstacles that remain. These include frequent relocation, unwillingness to answer mental health questions truthfully following deployment, and a military culture that stigmatizes mental health care. “Understanding and addressing the challenge of suicide requires cooperation beyond the traditional jurisdictional boundaries for many organizations, including the Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, and the Congress,” wrote Harrell and Berglass.

For more about military mental health, see Psychiatric News.

(Image: Joe