Thursday, August 2, 2012

Children More Likely to Stay in Treatment When Parents Perceive Benefits

Children are more likely to continue in mental health treatment when their parents perceive greater benefit from the treatment, according to new research in the August Psychiatric Services. Researchers also found that parents of children who received medication (with or without therapy) were more likely to see a benefit than parents of children who received talk therapy alone. Researchers led by Sarah Horwitz, Ph.D., with the Department of Pediatrics and the Center for Health Policy at Stanford University, examined data from nearly 600 children aged 6 to 12 with elevated symptoms of mania who were new patients at nine outpatient clinics. Parents whose children had no comorbid psychiatric diagnosis were twice as likely to view treatment as being beneficial. Children who lived with both biological parents were more likely to stay in treatment.

This information on perceived treatment benefit, the authors noted, could be used to develop strategies to engage and maintain families in treatment and thus help ensure that children receive the care they need.

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry recently offered a new guide to psychiatric medications for professionals working with children. Read more about it in Psychiatric News, here

(Image: Alen/