In his testimony, Scully urged issuance of a final rule on the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 and reintroduction of the Medicare Mental Health Inpatient Equity Act, which would increase access to care for people with serious mental illness. APA also supports formation of a new Commission on Mental Health, either presidential or congressional, to conceptualize how the nation’s mental health system can better meet the needs of all Americans. APA, he said, supports investment in biomedical research, ongoing initiatives to develop and implement new treatments for addiction, and state block grants for mental health and substance use services, suicide prevention, and jail-diversion programs for people with mental illness.
He stressed as well that APA strongly backs the preservation of both direct and indirect graduate medical education payments from the government, which fund 16,000 residencies each year. And finally, APA strongly supports efforts to train school personnel to identify early warning signs of violent behavior in children and adolescents.
To read more about the parity law implementation, see Psychiatric News.
(image: APA)