Friday, March 8, 2013

APA Medical Director Interviewed by Bloomberg TV

The upcoming publication of DSM-5 was the focus of an interview on Bloomberg TV Wednesday featuring APA Medical Director and CEO James H. Scully Jr., M.D. During the five-minute segment, Scully had an opportunity to explain why the so-called bereavement exclusion, which prohibited a diagnosis of depression within two months of a loved one's death, would not be included in the next edition of the manual.

Asked about the level of controversy that has attended news of the upcoming revision to the diagnostic manual, Scully noted that criticism of the last two editions of DSM was even more heated, but now that the world of communication has given everyone a platform to air their views, the quantity of complaints and controversy has multiplied. He emphasized that the upcoming revision has been seven years in the making, involved hundreds of scientists and clinicians, and has gone through multiple layers of review. The moderator also asked him to respond to the Newtown school shootings and issues of mental illness and gun violence that have been raised in its wake. He pointed out that most gun violence is alcohol-fueled and that only 4% of gun-related violence is committed by people with mental illness.

To see the complete interview, click here.