Friday, August 12, 2016

Expert Offers Advice to Improve Medication Adherence

“Working collaboratively with patients to treat their conditions and meet their health goals is an approach that can help to reduce the problem of medication nonadherence,” writes Chris Bojrab, M.D., president of Indiana Health Group, in the latest issue of Psychiatric News PsychoPharm.

Not all patients take all their medications all the time, notes Bojrab. Nonadherence may not be a willful act. Many patients may have a hard time understanding when and how they’re supposed to take their medications, so carefully explaining treatment goals and possible side effects is critical. Others may be deterred by cost or hampered by advancing age. Some may discontinue taking drugs because of side effects but not tell their doctor.

“Let the patient know that there are other options available if the recommended treatment doesn’t work, is not well tolerated, or is not affordable,” said Bojrab.

Read other tips that Bojrab offers to improve patient compliance in the PsychoPharm article.

(Paul Matthew Photography/Shutterstock)