U.S. Urged to Invest More in Alzheimer's Research
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According to a June 24 Reuters report, board members of Alzheimer's Disease International have urged Congress to invest more money in Alzheimer's disease research. The rationale, the board members claimed, is that as the world population ages, more and more people are going to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and effective treatments and preventatives will be needed more than ever.Meanwhle, a lot of Alzheimer's research is already under way and might possibly bear fruit regarding Alzheimer's treatments or preventatives.For example, scientists reported in the March Archives of Neurology that cognition has already declined sharply five to six years before Alzheimer's disease is usually diagnosed. So if an effective treatment for Alzheimer's is going to be found, it may be necessary to apply it at this very early stage. More information about that study can be found in Psychiatric News. See http://pn.psychiatryonline.org/content/46/9/18.2.full.
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