Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Halo Effect of Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery may be good for the whole family. Researchers at Stanford University found in a recent study that 60 percent of adult family members and 73 percent of children of patients who underwent a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RNYGB) were also obese. But 12 months after the operation, those obese adult family members had experienced a significant weight loss. Children, whose weight changes required a different analysis to take into account their natural growth, had a lower body mass index for their growth curve. Family members increased their daily activity levels and had improved eating habits, and the adults decreased their alcohol consumption.

Patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery experience significant improvement in their quality of life and a high level of patient satisfaction. Read more about it in Psychiatric News.

(Image: Christian Darkin/


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