APA Announces Election Results

Jeffery Lieberman, M.D., is the victor in the three-way race to become APA's next president-elect. Lieberman, chair of APA's Council on Research and Quality Care and a member of the American Journal of Psychiatry Editorial Board, outpolled Renee Binder, M.D., and Mary Helen Davis, M.D. In the race for treasurer, David Fassler, M.D., bested Robert Feder, M.D., to win another term in that post. Three Area trustee positions were up for election. In Area 1, Jeffrey Geller, M.D., prevailed over Gail Robinson, M.D., while in Area 4 Judith Kashtan, M.D., defeated Ronald Burd, M.D., and in Area 7 Jeffrey Akaka, M.D., outpolled Annette Matthews, M.D. In addition, this year there were races for early career psychiatrist (ECP) trustee-at-large, and member-in-training trustee-elect (MITTE). In the former, Molly McVoy., M.D., was the victor in a three-way race with Steve Koh, M.D., M.P.H., and Jose Vito. M.D. The MITTE contest was won by Erik Vanderlip, M.D., over Andrea Brandon, M.D., Ph.D., and Brian Hurley, M.D., M.B.A.While APA has made these results public, they are not official until approved by the Board of Trustees at its March meeting. Complete vote totals and deadlines for next year's election are posted on APA's Web site under "Association Governance."(image: Chantall/shutterstock.com)
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