Friday, August 3, 2012

Task Force Issues Report on Treatment of Gender Identity Disorder

Current literature is adequate for APA to develop consensus-based treatment recommendations for patients—including children and adolescents—with gender identity disorder (GID) and associated disorders, including disorders of sexual development. And for adults, the research base is sufficient for the development of a formal APA practice guideline, with gaps in the research database filled in by clinical consensus.

Those are the principal findings of the APA Task Force on Treatment of Gender Identity Disorder, which began its work in 2008. A report from the task force appears as a “data supplement” to the August American Journal of Psychiatry.   The task force concluded that treatment recommendations from APA are needed, even in areas where criteria are not met for developing a formal APA practice guideline. 

Read the task force report here, and watch for coverage of the task force's conclusions and recommendations in the August 17 Psychiatric News. And for past coverage of GID issues, see Psychiatric News here.

(Image: alexmillos/


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