APA Involved in National Recovery Month
September is National Recovery Month, which is sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The National Recovery Month campaign is designed to raise awareness that mental health is an essential element of an overall healthy lifestyle, that prevention programs do work, and that recovery from a mental illness, including substance abuse, is possible. This year’s theme, “Join the Forces of Recovery: It’s Worth It,” emphasizes that while the process of recovery can be difficult, preventing or overcoming a mental illness brings benefits to patients' loved ones and to their communities. Mental health organizations nationwide have pledged their support the campaign and activities.
APA is a supporter of National Recovery Month and provides information on specific mental illnesses, resources from partnering organizations, and the public service announcement for this year’s campaign, titled "Prevention Works, Treatment Is Effective, and People Recover." More information on community events and ways to volunteer for National Recovery Month activities is posted on SAMHSA’s Web site.
To read more about recovery from mental illness, see Psychiatric News here and here.(Image: Dirk Ercken/Shutterstock.com)
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