AJP Ranked Among Most Influential Journals
A recently released study of the influence of medical and scientific journals finds the American Journal of Psychiatry (AJP) at or near the top of the rankings. Journal Citation Reports, a publication of Thomson Reuters, evaluated journals' "impact factor"—a quality measure indicating how often a journal's research articles are cited in other publications. AJP's impact factor put it within the top 1 percent of the more than 8,000 journals that were assessed. AJP also retained its long-standing position as the leader among the 135 psychiatric journals when the total number of citations was calculated, with its articles being cited 42,370 times, nearly 5,000 more than the next-ranked psychiatric journal.Commenting on the new data, AJP Editor-in-Chief Robert Freedman, M.D., said, “The editors strive to publish papers that our readers will find important for guiding clinical practice and advancing the broad scientific basis of psychiatry. Impact factor is one measure of the high value of the Journal’s papers."
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