Tuesday, April 18, 2017

APA Joins Medical-Scientific Community in Support of March for Science

APA has joined 24 other medical and scientific organizations in a statement of support for the March for Science taking place Saturday, April 22, in Washington, D.C., and in other cities around the country.

APA and the other groups said support of scientific education and research is vital. “As the world's leading organizations representing clinicians, laboratory researchers, and physician-scientists committed to improving patient care, we support the March for Science and its nonpartisan call for the appreciation of scientific evidence, education, and investment,” the groups state. “Science has no political agenda but gives us the tools to find the truths about our world and then implement informed policies to enrich our communities.

“Science is vital to our health, as an understanding of human biology is essential to stimulating discoveries that lead to cures for diseases. Every day, physicians make the best patient-care decisions they can by relying on science-based tools. Clinicians prevent disease by administering immunizations, and they manage disease by providing therapies that have been thoroughly and scientifically vetted for optimal outcomes. This science-based care saves lives, decreases human suffering, and reduces unnecessary costs.

“Therefore, it is critical that we protect federal investment in our health. Over the past several decades, research supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has yielded significant advances across all fields of medicine. Today, diseases with previously grim prognoses are treatable. We have powerful therapies that engage the patient’s own immune system to conquer cancers and non-malignant diseases. And, genome editing is showing early promise in curing and even preventing debilitating genetic conditions.

“We rely on evidence from the [federal] Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to address patient safety, quality of care, efficiency, and access in our health care system. Research supported by the agency has prevented the spread of infections in hospitals and improved access to health care for patients in rural areas. And, through its surveillance programs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has played an important role in preventing and controlling inherited and communicable disease as well as dangerous outbreaks. Without the CDC, outbreaks would spread, food-borne illness would go undetected, and chronic diseases would have a higher human and monetary cost.”

The statement concludes, “We hope patients, their families, and everyone committed to advancing health care will join us in celebrating the value of scientific evidence in our everyday lives.”

The text of the group statement and a list of all signatories is posted on the website of the American Hematology Association.

(Image: iStock/BraunS)


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